Loot Box Awareness

Figure 1: Loot Box Opening wallpaper and website background.




Role(s): Product Designer, Web Designer / Developer

An awareness campaign is launched to educate young gamers and their parents about loot box gambling and introduce next steps to take action against unethical practices in the gaming industry.

"No gamer should feel like deleting their accounts to protect themselves."

Figure 2: Poster was created with a PSA for posting inside a school building or even sharing on social media.

Project Goals

As the heart of the Loot Box Awareness program, an online platform is built so that children and their guardians can access information worldwide. Online information is easier to share on social media platforms with a click of a button.

Loot Box Simulator is a tool embedded within the website to demonstrate the cost vs. profit margin simulating CS:GO weapon rarities, win rate and profit value.

Print media will be used as distribution goods for schools and education institutes to either display around the school hallways and classrooms or taken home to review as a family activity.


TOOLS: Adobe XD, Photoshop
SKILLS: Prototyping, Web Design

The atmosphere and visual direction is inspired by futuristic settings within games such as Overwatch and Star Wars: Battlefront.

With dark mode, information is shrouded in mystery while the only source of light is from the neon cyan and red, each representing the forces of good and evil respectively. I would imagine these graphics would look equally funky through a pair of anaglyph 3d glasses.

Loot Box Simulator

The simulator borrows CS:GO's loot box mechanics to demonstrate exact win rates for items of different rarity.

I was responsible for skinning, formatting and designing the UI of the game. With my game dev experience, I was able to edit sprites, redo the UI using Photoshop and Visual Studio Code. The game is easily integrated into the site because it's created in Javascript.

Figure 3: Screenshot of the loot box simulator UI.

Visit website and Play the Loot Box simulator

Print Media

TOOLS: Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop
SKILLS: Printmaking, Graphic Design

Another way to communicate our message is through distributing print media around school halls and pamphlets for children to take home. I designed the information layout and graphics on both sides of the loot box-shaped brochure using Adobe InDesign and Illustrator. My other team member designed the shape and folding of the loot box pamphlet.

"Unique design for the pamphlets ensure a higher success rate for distribution to reading ratio"

Figure 4: Prototyping the pamphlet on scrap paper with layout before printing the brochure. The brochure when closed is about 25cm long and about 50cm when opened up.



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